+04 0725 928 653
The date of June 4 represented for the branch on the shore of the Black Sea the organization of the second half-distance race with a launch from the town of Bivolari. Over time, the Constanta Branch stood out as great lovers of the short distance categories that they offered to the world of pigeon lovers, managing to write history in terms of national and
With rapid steps, most branches in the country are in the second part of the season, where the first long-distance competitions have already taken place, and the intermediate speed and half-distance stages represent a good opportunity to "finish" the points already accumulated in the first part of the season. Th
Barcelona Winners Club represents without a doubt a real challenge of the Romanians towards a great dream, that of conquering the whole world by winning the International Race from Barcelona. If in the past something seemed impossible, today breeders in Romania can test their potential precisely from the breeding of the late Raymund Hermes, a breedi

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