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As is very well known, for the Olympic norm in the C-Fund category, six races of over 500 km, ranked within two years, totaling a minimum of 3,300 km are required. Based on these criteria, following the 2023 season with mature pigeons, Găitan Narcis and Beni, Constantin Radu and Cristinel Chelaru became the new Romanian Olympic champions in this category. Găitan Narcis and Beni, 1st
The next Olympic category according to competition distances is category B, corresponding to the Demifond Palmares category from the national championship of Romania. The Culda family, this time in first place If in the Olympic category A, the Culda Family, from Salaj, took second place, in the B category (Middle dinstance), they open the national top, placing themselves on the first place of the podium. The result
Considering the criteria on the basis of which the Olympic rules are made, we can say about the batch of Olympic pigeons that crystallizes after each season, that they represent the "foam" of the national competition. We also know very well that these super-flyers and the breeders they belong to, also benefit from a separate classification, being awarded separately from the national championship, precisely to
Source: http://www.schaerlaeckens.com/articles/articles-english/2021/my-twelve-commandments-01-10-21/ When some colleagues make a report on a champion, they sometimes have them list a dozen things that the champion considers vital to his success. Because of my experience, contacts and decades of excellent results, I’m not afraid to pass on some recommendations. As far as those top results are concerned, last year we were n
The Kipp family, from Althornbach, Germany, is an extremely well-known name internationally. Although they were established 25 years ago, when we hear about the Kipp Family and their pigeons, the thought takes us to one of the "monuments" of pigeon fandom, thus making them comparable to the founders of the famous lines of the 20th century. But, it's not quite like that. Kipp and Sons
Radu Prigoreanu is from Deleni, Iași county, and works as a pigeon fancier member of the Iași Branch. He is only passionate about marathon, especially extreme marathon, and has already collected a lot of national trophies. He managed to add several national champion, vice-champion and national top 3 titles to his record, and last year he took 1st place in the World Best Pigeon championship,
At the national level, Liviu Plavițu is a more than well-known name. Multiple national and Olympic champion, the pigeon fancier from Mehedinti is one of the most ambitious pigeon breeders in Romania, always eager for performance and to become better and better. At the same time, during the 15 years of pigeon fancier activity, Liviu Plăvițu became a real specialist in flights with youngsters, being

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