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Karlovy Vary 1, the first marathon race in the West in the 2024 season


        Last weekend was the weekend of the Marathon stages in our country, so all the pigeon fanciers in Romania kept a close eye on all these competitions. One of these stages was Karlovy Vary, the first Marathon stage of the Western Province, which rose to the level of a top competition, both in terms of participation and difficulty.

        No less than 8,535 pigeons participated in Karlovy Vary 1. They belonged to a number of 746 breeders, from the counties of Arad, TimiÈ™, CaraÈ™ Severin, Hunedoara, MaramureÈ™, Bihor, Satu Mare and Sălaj. So, a more than consistent participation, to which were added the competition distances between about 750 and 900 km, all mandatory "ingredients" for a successful marathon.


Ovidiu Pop is the winner in the pigeon ranking

        The pigeons employed at Karlovy Vary 1 were released on the morning of June 29 at 06:55. The first pigeons arrived after more than 10 hours of flight, the weather conditions being quite difficult along the entire route, namely heat and head wind. The lucky winner is none other than Ovidiu Pop, from Satu Mare, one of the very skilled breeders of the Western region.



        Although he has only been competing for four years, he has already managed to prove his skill in this sport, also standing out in the Karlovy Vary marathon stage. Here he employed a team of nine widow pigeons and had the surprise of the hen RO-2022-0316348 arriving so well that she took first place on the release. This was found at 18:27:58, after flying the 759 km of the stage with an average speed of 1,095.31 m/min. "The pigeons are competing for widowhood.